last year I made countdown blocks using scrapbook paper and I love how it turned out (sorry about the lighting):
But this year my color scheme is different from last year so I decided to make new blocks. here's the finished product:

First I cut my blocks with my saw and my miter box.

Then I painted the blocks silver using craft paint.

Once the first coat was dry I painted the blocks white.

Once the second coat was dry I sanded the blocks down a bit so the silver with show through.

I cut out stencils with my silhouette SD. On one block you'll need numbers 0-5 and on the other you'll need 012678. Number 6 can be turned around and used as a nine as well. I painted the numbers red.

And I also added a little stencil on each corner which I filled in with a silver permanent marker.

For the bottom block I didn't add any embellishments and I tied a ribbon around the whole set. Oh, and the font I used for the numbers is called St. Nicholas, it's a free font and I love using it at Christmas time:) Enjoy!