Thursday, January 20, 2011

Diaper cakes

Diaper cakes are a lot of fun to make and are great as centerpieces for a baby shower or a just a s gift for a new born.

*about 75 diapers
*75 medium rubber bands
*3 large rubber bands
*a tall but narrow baby bottle (filled with candy:)
*little gifts: baby lotion, wipes, soothers, stuffed animal, hat, mittens
*Ribbons and embellishments
*Hot glue gun (optional)
*Piece of cardboard to hold the cake
*Clear wrapping paper

Start by rolling up all the diapers individually and fastening them with a rubber band.
Fill the bottle with candy.

The bottle will be the center of you cake, surround it with rolled up diapers and put a large rubber band around them, then start stuffing until you have about 3 even rows of diapers for the bottom layer. Use the same process for the second layer but you will only have two rows of diapers. For the last layer roll up your three burp cloths and hold them on the center of your second layer and add a row of diapers around them with the last large rubber band.
To hide the rubber bands add ribbon around each layer, you can either tie a knot in the back, make a bow or use your hot glue gun to fasten the ribbon to the cake. You can then squeeze little gifts into the sides of the tower or use more ribbon to fasten the soothers for instance. I like to put the stuffed animal (a hat works well too) on the top of the cake. Then to finish cut your cardboard on the bottom to the right size so it doesn't stick out too much and wrap the whole tower in clear wrapping paper! Voila!


  1. haha c'est trop cool! :) on fera ça pour la prochaine baby shower!!! :)

  2. C pour quand la prochaine baby shower???:) Je devrais faire un stock de couche bébé de l'allemagne pour que ce revienne moins chère!
